No1 CopperPot Credit Union is a not-for-profit organisation, run by its members. The Board of Directors is an elected group of individuals representing our members. They consist of two Executive Board Members who work at the Credit Union full-time, and seven Non-Executive Board Members. The Board of Directors is also supported by the Audit and Risk Committee. This consists of five people who focus on risk management, governance and financial reporting – all of which ensures the stability of the Credit Union, allowing us to continue to help members for many years to come.

They help to make strategic decisions, with our members best interests at heart.

Executive Board Members

Caroline Domanski MBE Lisa Ridgway
Caroline is the Chief Executive and an executive member of the Board. Having joined the Credit Union in 2006, Caroline became Chief Executive in 2015. Caroline holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Financial Services and a Master’s Degree in Leadership and Management. She is also a council member of the Building Societies Association to represent the credit union sector and smaller building societies. Lisa is the Chief Finance Officer of the Credit Union, as well as being an executive member of the Board. She has been working for the Credit Union since 2015 and has 17 years experience working for Aviva in a variety of finance roles. Lisa was a qualified chartered accountant when working as an auditor at PWC and has a Maths degree from Nottingham University.

Non Executive Board Members

Steve Morley –  Chairman Helen Thomas – Vice-Chair
Steve has served on the Board of Directors since 2017 and was voted into the position of Chairman in 2021, after previously serving as Vice-Chair. He is a retired Police Officer from Leicestershire Police, and runs his own vending machine business. Helen joined the Board in 2014 and took the position of Vice-Chair in December 2022. She is a serving member of Police Staff in the North West.
Sarah Monaghan – Secretary Peter Henson 
Sarah joined the Board in 2021, and took position as Secretary in December 2022. She has been a serving Police Officer for Lancashire Constabulary for 7 years and in that time had a variety of different roles including working on Immediate Response and training new recruits within a dedicated training unit. Sarah has recently moved into CID as a trainee detective whilst working towards being an accredited detective. Peter joined the Board in 2002 and is also the nominated Non Executive Director on the Audit and Risk Committee. He is a retired Police Inspector who was also Treasurer of GMP Federation. He is now Treasurer for the Police Treatment Centres and the St George’s Police Children’s Trust. He holds The Certificate in Credit Union Principles and Practice issued by the Chartered Institute of Bankers.
Richard Clarke Melanie Cooke
Richard joined the Board in 2017. He is a retired Police Officer having served in the Metropolitan and Surrey Police and on secondment to UK Border Force. He is currently an investigator on the National Trading Standards Scams Team. Melanie worked as an Independent Adviser to the Board from 2016 and joined the Board in 2020. She had a successful career in banking and now designs and delivers workshops and bespoke coaching and mentoring programmes for SMEs. She is a family member of a retired officer.
Steve Jones Richard Isaac
Steve joined the Board in 2021. He is a Detective Sergeant with Cheshire Constabulary. Steve has worked in a wide range of roles including Uniform Response, CID, Major Investigations, Intelligence and Training. Richard joined the Board in 2021. He is a
serving Police Officer for North Yorkshire
Police with over 12 years experience in policing. Prior to policing he worked within the financial services sector, working for organisations such as Abbey National and Barclays in a number of different roles.


Independent Advisers to the Board

Rod Ashley John Sandford
Rod has been an Independent Adviser to the Board since 2017 and is currently the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee. He has experience as the CEO of a credit union and also an independent bank. Currently, he leads the team setting up a new UK challenger bank to be based in Scotland. John is an Independent Adviser to the
Board and the Vice Chair of the Audit
and Risk Committee.