
We like to keep our members updated on everything going on at No1 CopperPot Credit Union, here you can find a round up of our news.


Gather your old ÂŁ1 coins!

We’re here to give you a friendly reminder that the old ÂŁ1 coins cease to be classed as legal tender, as of Monday 16th October. Instead we’ll be using the shiny new ÂŁ1 coin! Search for your old coins The first place many of us will look for old pound coins is probably the most… Read more »

Categories: Advice

Why borrow from a credit union?

When people need to borrow money, they usually have a few different options available to them. Borrowing can be from banks, building societies, credit cards or even payday lenders. We want to shine a light on why your Credit Union is a great option for your borrowing needs.  First and foremost, when members borrow from… Read more »

Categories: Advice, Products

New FSCS Deposit Limit

Some of you may already be aware of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and the latest update. However, if you haven’t heard we’ll explain what’s going on. The FSCS is in place to give security to “customers of UK authorised financial services firms”. It covers many banks, building societies and credit unions – including… Read more »

Categories: Advice, Office Updates

How are your resolutions going?

  As we say goodbye to January 2017, now is a good time to reflect on the progress of your New Year’s resolutions. Have you promised yourself that you will achieve a particular financial goal in 2017, such as building your savings, or even buying a new car? Are you one step closer to achieving your goal or has it already become… Read more »

Categories: Advice

Struggling to balance the books?

  2017 could be the time to sort out your finances – gain budgeting power, and save regularly. It has become apparent that many members get into the habit of repaying credit cards, store cards, loans and other financial commitments separately because they think it is their only option. It is not your only option! If… Read more »

Categories: Advice

What are your New Year resolutions?

It’s that time of year again when many people are looking to start a new chapter, and have their New Year’s resolutions at the ready. “I’m going to save up”, “I’m going to join a gym”, “I’m going to eat clean” – whatever your resolution is, we wish you the best of luck. However, although… Read more »

Categories: Advice, Events

Could your finances be fitter?

Whilst everyone is looking forward to watching the Olympics and maybe getting in shape themselves, as a credit union we are here to help our members get their finances in shape. We have found that many of our members have monthly credit card and loan repayments without considering what rate of interest they are paying. If you’re looking to consolidate all your borrowing, you could… Read more »

Categories: Advice, Products

The school holidays are upon us…

  For those of you with children, the summer holidays can be an expensive time! Especially if you are planning days out to keep the children entertained whilst they’re not at school. We’ve put together a little list of ideas to keep you busy this summer, for fairly cheap too! A day out at the beach –… Read more »

Categories: Advice

ISA Update

Because our members are our number one priority, we like to keep you up to date with what’s going on in your Credit Union. We want to let you know about any changes regarding rates, as we’re sure you’ll be interested to know. The rates are as follows. Date Tax Free Rate AER Rate 1st May… Read more »

Categories: Advice, Products


As you know, we like to help as many of our members as possible and recently, we are helping more members than ever! In May 2016 alone, we approved 566 of our member’s loan and mortgage applications, which equates to a total of almost ÂŁ3million!   Just over ÂŁ1million of our total lending in May… Read more »