No changes in the amount, date or frequency to be debited can be made without notifying you at least three working days in advance of your account being debited. In the event of any error being made in the payment of your Direct Debit, you are entitled to an immediate refund from your bank or building society. You have the right to cancel a Direct Debit Instruction at any time simply by writing to your bank or building society, with a copy to us.

In order to set up your Direct Debit Instruction on-line you will need to provide the following information through the setting up procedure (your cheque book or your bank statement contain all the bank details that you require).

If you would prefer to complete a paper Direct Debit Instruction, click here to download, print and complete one. You can either post it to our office: Freepost RRGS-HYSA-CREU No1 CopperPot Credit Union Slater House Cheadle SK8 3GX  or email it to